The psychology of poker. Bridge = Anger + Bad Game (2)

Previous part of Mental Game of Poker: Bridge = anger + bad game (1)

Winner tilt

The reason for playing badly after winning a lot of money is not anger. The mistakes that are made when winning are usually due to good emotions and, to a lesser extent, the fear of losing the money. Winner tilt overconfidence, which shuts down the part of the brain responsible for thinking. Trust is an emotion and too much of it leads to the same mistakes as anger. However, the deep-seated cause of anger is different from the cause of overconfidence, which requires different strategies to deal with these problems.

Tilt'o Description

Despite many similarities, each player tiltina in slightly different ways and for different reasons. One of the best moments to understand more about your tilt, is immediately after the session during which tiltinotebecause everything is still fresh in your mind. Because bridging has already cost you money, the best thing you can do after the session is to spend some time on situations where tiltinotefor reflection. Use the questions below to help you analyse and identify your specific Bridge details.

  • What are the reasons behind your bridge? (Bad beats, losing to a weak player, variation, etc.)
  • What do you say out loud to yourself or to others while tiltinate and when frustration sets in?
  • How do you understand that tiltinate? What is the first thing you notice?
  • How your body reacts to bridge? (Head feels light-headed, body sweats, heart beats faster, knuckles clench, etc.)
  • Can you identify the moment when Bridge is shutting down your sober thinking?
  • At what point do you take action to stop bridging?

Answers to these questions and everything else that comes to mind when thinking about bridge shapes your Bridge describes the starting point. It's impossible to control what you don't understand, so for now the main goal is to gather knowledge about your bridge. While accuracy is essential to solve Bridge the problem, but any new knowledge of the bridge leads to improvements, however small. This does not necessarily mean that you will always be able to control bridgebut increasing your knowledge will take you at least a few small steps forward.

Do you think you not silent?

There are some players who believe that not silentbecause they stop the game before it starts bridging. Does this mean that they not silent? Technically, according to the formula at the beginning of the chapter, they not silentby not doing Bridge errors. On the other hand, there are clearly unresolved anger-related issues that can be managed by stopping the game. Often these players have motivation problems because they don't play enough hands and end up forgetting that the reason for this was Bridge. You could say they get on so well with the elephant in the same room that they end up forgetting the elephant exists.

Bridge Having a problem inventory is also important, as it gives you some guidance on how to measure progress. Tracking psychological play is not the same as tracking poker statistics. Sometimes it will be the case that the intensity of your anger will seem the same as before, but in reality your mistakes will not be as bad as before, bridge you will recognise it sooner, take action against it sooner, end the session sooner, and the thoughts in your head will not be so negative.

For many players, a small improvement has to happen first before they can take full control bridge. Titlto The inventory gives such players the opportunity to see areas where improvements have been made and which are usually hard to see. It is very important to realise that there is improvement, otherwise the player may neglect a strategy that is actually effective, just not as obvious as one would like.

7 Bridge Types

The following points summarise the most common Bridge Kind of:

  1. Bad cards Bridge: This is Bridge, caused by prolonged bad hands.
  2. Injustice Bridge: bad beats, coolers and suckouts are examples of what makes you feel under a spell and think poker is unfair.
  3. Not wanting to lose Bridge: Many players don't like to lose, even though they realise how big a role variation plays in the short term. The desire to win is not the problem, the problem is the inability to cope with the inevitable losses.
  4. Errors Bridge: making mistakes is annoying for many logical reasons. These reasons are mostly misguided, due to the wrong approach to learning.
  5. To be merited Bridge: it's a classic Phill Helmuth Bridge, which is caused by thinking you deserve to win for X, Y and Z reasons. Winning is your property and you tiltini when someone undeserving takes it away from you.
  6. Revenge Bridge: Disrespect, constant aggression and opponents who think they are better than you are just some of the reasons why you seek revenge at the poker table.
  7. Despair Bridge: the desire to make your money back is so great that it forces you to play very long sessions, speed up the action and jump to higher limits.

The relevant sections of this Part provide more information on each Bridge type. How you choose to read this part is up to you. You can skip to the chapter that suits you best, although I would advise you to read all chapters. You may recognise certain trends or emotional triggers, such as Bridge in a species that you haven't previously associated with your game.

General Bridge Strategy

This strategy is for everyone Bridge types, and each chapter contains a separate specific strategy for each Bridge species.

  1. Identification. Your own Bridge knowing the signs without playing is insufficient. You must be able to recognise the signs during the game that indicate that tiltinate or that it's about to happen, otherwise you can't control it. For some players, these signs are too weak and too elusive to stop bridging. Study your Bridge study the description as you would study any other poker concept and develop the skill of recognition. The only time you will be able to recognise that when you play tiltinate, you'll be in control bridge.
  2. Preparation. Every time you play poker, review your Bridge inventory, embedding logic, strategic reminders, and other parts of your strategy, so that it's always in your head. This way you will be able to spot early Bridge signs and take action before anger reaches an emotional breaking point and shuts down your thinking.
  3. Bridge make control a priority. Monitor constantly bridge signs, and when you see them, use insertion logic. Also make a note of any hands that have caused anger or frustration during play. This will give you more information about your bridge.
  4. Assessment. What you do after the session will depend on how severe your
  • When Bridge will only be in light form, focus your assessment on the improvements that have been made so far. Pay attention to situations that would previously have the barrier you, but now you are able to remain calm. Analyse what you have done to manage successfully bridge. See the 5-step protocol.
  • When Bridge will be clearly felt, but before you completely lose your head, make a note of the important details immediately after the session. In your Bridge include new information about what made you angry, mistakes you made or signs that foreshadowed bridge. Don't assume that the details are the same all the time - look for differences. At the very least, even if the details are the same, just paying attention to them develops your ability to recognise them. You could say you are describing the first point of the 5-step protocol and that alone can reduce anger. If you can be objective enough in the first step, then move on to the other four, and that will significantly speed up the process of resolving the problem completely.
  • When Bridge will be really hard, even though it will seem like the least you want to do, but taking a few notes can help you deal with Bridge Keep what's on your mind. Yes, spilling is a very good thing, but players usually spill to other players who don't want to hear about it. Instead, by writing (or spilling to a friend first and then writing) you can get critical information out of your head about Bridge reasons. Often, players don't even realise how productive this can be in solving Bridge problems. Productive spills also allow the brain to relax. Players who do this regularly have found that it helps them return to normal more quickly.


Liz "RikJamesB1atch" Herrera

Heads up NL up to $50/$100

I was a regular poker player until I first met Jared in 2008. I had a decent 3bb/100 winrate 6max NL on multi-tabling and 5bb/100 on HU. I always tried to hide my gender because I didn't care about fame, I just wanted to be respected. That's where my poker nickname came from, it was so masculine, so no one would think I was a woman (funny, but I heard that Phil Galfond chose the nickname "OMGClayAiken" to make players think he was a woman.

The main reason I wanted to talk to Jared was the bigger bridging playing HU. Poker can be frustrating at times when it feels like you're about to smash your mouse to pieces. I always thought that bridge is normal. I spoke to a well-known 2+2 forum member and trainer who told me that bridging is part of the game. I'm I used to bridge two or three times per session and I always thought it was normal, you just have to accept it... But I read Jared's thread on Stoxpoker and decided to contact him.

He immediately helped me to see all Bridge types. He taught me how to identify them, made me write down the things that made me tiltin, to decide what to do and why. I kept all the notes in front of me and concentrated on them while playing poker. Whenever the emotion-triggering signs appeared, I reminded myself that at any moment I could start bridge. So I used to do breathing exercises, stop for a minute and think about everything.

It also got me thinking about bridging signs - things I used to do by bridgingsuch as excessive aggressiveness, reckless behaviour and bad bluffing. As soon as I noticed these signs, I knew it was time for a break. After a few weeks of this practice, I no longer needed to take breaks. All I had to do was take a few deep breaths and I was ready to resume the game. The very fact that I could recognise the signs kept me from bridging.

Actually, it was the concept of running a magazine that helped me the most. When I first heard about it, I thought it wasn't really for me. The image of a teenage girl writing down her feelings in a diary came to mind. It was only after six months of resisting the idea that I decided to give it a try, and I was immediately amazed, and at the same time surprised that I hadn't tried it before. It helped me to understand what I needed to do next and it accelerated the learning process considerably. Now I have a journal for almost everything I do and it helps me a lot. I use it as a monitoring tool, but also for discovering new ideas and to help me correct mistakes.

The results of the work with Jared didn't appear overnight, it took several months to get things rolling. Half of the work is the advice he gives me and the other half is up to me. The information I got from Jared had a huge impact on my winrate. Even with previously played hands, my winrate 12bb/100 per million is now available in limits ranging from $2/$4 to $50/$100 in HU.

How to recognise progress and extend it

Very often, the first step to progress is to get better Bridge Identification. This doesn't mean you can control it, but better knowledge is the first step to Bridge control. The Bridge - a complex puzzle that requires constant attention to its different pieces.

Here are some important factors to consider when assessing progress:

  • Earlier you notice Bridge signs and you can maintain self-control for longer
  • After bad sessions, you settle down faster and are able to feel normal again
  • Much more is needed bridge triggering events to reach a tipping point
  • Easier to deal with Bridge and extend the session
  • It's easier to regain concentration and get back to solid play faster
  • Anger is less intense
  • Your biggest weaknesses improved

It is critical that you record improvements in the worst Bridge in terms of aspects. Emotions are so unstable that, without written evidence, it can sometimes seem that you have not improved, when in fact the opposite is true. Very often, players stop doing things that used to help them without realising that they are making progress. Seeing those small positive changes will give you the confidence and extra motivation to keep going. Moreover, even if you haven't improved, at least you'll have proof of it, and you can use the information you've written down to adjust your strategy.

It is also very important to remember that in any progress, there are days when you take a few steps back. While this can be very demoralising, these are great opportunities to get to know your Bridge a reason to prepare for the unexpected in the future. It is said that the greatest madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result each time, so don't expect Bridge It will just pass, but rather try to make the most of what it brings.

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