Attention training exercises

Managing attention in poker is very important because you often have to process large amounts of information and make the best decision for the situation in a very short period of time. Therefore, it is essential to be able to concentrate, observe the table and opponents, and maintain focus on the most important situations as circumstances change.

Attention is the most important condition for successful work!

attention training exercises
  • Explain like a coach. This method is suitable for everyone and at the same time, it is not only a good attention training method but also a good learning method. You have to imagine that you are a coach and explain to students about the game, hands, etc. (it is best to write it down).
  • Memory. A simple children's game “memory” with cards, where you need to flip two identical ones. The game is very simple but very effectively trains attention and memory.
  • Count letters. Take an article and count the same letters, e.g., A, S, etc. It seems simple, but you need to try to make as few mistakes as possible or complete the task as quickly as possible. The exercise greatly encourages attention management.
  • Take an illustrated book or a simple drawing and accurately redraw that drawing. Then check how many mistakes you made. Make the exercise more difficult with increasingly complex drawings, but start with very simple ones. To make the task more challenging, you can speed up the execution pace. The exercise must be performed systematically.
  • Try to gather your strength against your will and listen, watch, read, learn, etc., very attentively for 10-15 minutes. The exercise is performed in an area where the information or its presentation is completely uninteresting (but not worthless).
  • In the evening, try to accurately remember what you did during the day, e.g., from 3 to 4 o'clock, focus all your attention and try to list in detail what you did during that hour. The exercise gives very good results. I recommend repeating it at least a few times a week.
  • Look very carefully at a small object, e.g., a light switch, a matchbox, a spot, a handle, etc. Without diverting your gaze elsewhere and all the time trying to think about the observed object. The exercise is very difficult, don't believe it?? Start with 1-2 minutes and extend to 10 minutes, maximum 15 minutes. The exercise greatly helps in developing attention concentration.

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