Pokémon game | Pokémon Cards

One of the most important Pokémon games is playing cards, which are not only played with, but also exchanged, collected and auctioned. These cards are distributed in 22 European countries, with leagues and championships. So, you're probably wondering why these cards are so interesting? Check out the rules of Pokémon.

Pokémon game

Pokémon are colourful and fun fictional characters and fighters who live in the Pokémon world. Born in 1995 as characters in a computer game.

Their creator, Satoshi Tajiri, has presented a concept version of the game inspired by his childhood hobby of collecting various insects and bugs.

The scale of Pokémon's popularity is hard to fathom, with 23 films released today, countless games for Nintendo consoles, comic book manga, theme parks, TV series, toys, promotional items such as baked goods, stickers, leaflets, etc.

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Pokemon game

Pokémon cards 

There are three types of cards:

  1. Pokémon. You may not be surprised to learn that these are the most important cards in the game! Most of these cards are Basic Pokémon, Stage 1 Pokémon or Stage 2 Pokémon. The latter two are also known as Evolution cards. The card type is indicated in the top left corner of the card.
  2. Energy Cards. Usually, a Pokémon can't attack without Energy Cards, so you'll need to match them to a special Energy symbol on the Pokémon.

Pokémon energy types

One Pokémon defeats another by attacking or using special abilities. To attack, Pokémon must have special energy cards.

There are as many as 11 different types of energy cards, from which the player chooses which type best represents their Pokémon.


  • Grass. A Grass attack heals a Pokémon or poisons an opponent.  
  • Fire. A powerful attack that burns opponents! After the attack, some time must pass for the fire energy to work again.
  • Water. A Water-type Pokémon can manipulate its energy to act on another team.
  • Lightning. This attack can draw back energy from a used pile of cards. It can also leave your opponents paralysed.
  • Psychic. A special attack that leaves opponents asleep, confused and poisoned.
  • Fighting. Pokémon of the Fighting type can take more risks and cause additional damage. Some can flip coins.
  • Darkness. The Dark energy type is characterised by vicious attacks that often cause opponents to discard their cards!
  • Metal. This type of Pokémon can withstand attacks longer than many others.
  • Fairy tales. Fairy energy has tricks that help weaken the attacks of opponents.
  • Dragon. These are very strong attack Pokémon, requiring two types of energy to function.
  • Colourless. A Pokémon with Colourless Energy can perform a large number of actions and works with any deck of cards.

3. Training Cards (Trainer cards). These cards represent special items, helpers and battlefields that a player can use in battle. In the top right hand corner of the card you will find the specific subtype of trainer.

Pokémon - Game zones

Main hand (Hand). Each player draws 7 cards at the start of the game and keeps their cards hidden. Players may not look at their opponent's cards unless instructed to do so.

Prize cards (Prize cards). These are 6 cards, face down, which each player places next to his or her main cards. These cards are chosen at random and no-one can see what cards they have drawn until they start playing.

You can take this card as a prize when you knock out your opponent's Pokémon, and the last person to take their last prize card wins!

Deck of cards (Deck). Each player must have 60 cards to start the game. Although both players know how many cards are in each deck, no one can see or change the order of the cards in either player's deck unless it says so on the card. 

Ejection deck (Discard Pile). Cards discarded from the game are placed in the Discard Pile unless otherwise played. Normally, when a Pokémon is discarded, it and any cards attached to it (such as Energy cards) are sent to their owner's Discard Pile.

Playing area (In Play). Each player has one playing area, divided into two further areas:

  • Active Pokémon (Active Pokémon). The upper part of the play area is for Active Pokémon. Each player can only have one Active Pokémon at a time, and starts the game with it. If your opponent no longer has any Pokémon, you win the game.
  • Pokémon "bench" (Bench). The lower part of the play area is for Benched Pokémon. Each player can have up to 5 Pokémon "benched" at a time. Any Pokémon that is played, except for the Active Pokémon, must "sit" on the Bench.

How to play Pokémon cards?

Ways to win:

  1.     Collect all prize cards.
  2.     Defeat all opponents by playing with Pokémon.
  3.     You win if your opponent has no cards in their hand.


  1. Shake hands with your opponent.
  2. Flip a coin. The winner decides which player will start the turn.
  3. Shuffle your 60-card deck and choose 7 cards.
  4. Check to see if you have a regular Pokémon in your hand. If you don't have a Pokémon in your hand, show your cards to your opponent, shuffle the deck again, and draw again. Repeat until you have at least one Regular Pokémon in your hand. In addition, each time your opponent shuffles their cards because they don't have a Pokémon, you must draw one additional card.
  5. Place 1 Regular Pokémon in the Active Pokémon's space.
  6. Place 5 more main Pokémon on the "bench".
  7. Place the top 6 cards of the deck face down on the side. These cards will be the prize cards
  8. Both players flip over the Active Pokémon and the Pokémon on the bench to start the game!


Each move has 3 main parts:

  1. Throwing the card
  2. Actions (possible but not required)
  3. Attack - attack and finish your turn. The attack consists of 3 parts.

Throwing the card

Pokémon is started by discarding a card. If you don't have the card you need to discard at the start of your turn, the game ends and your opponent wins.


A. "Plant" your Pokémon cards on the "bench".

Choose a card and place it face up on the Pokémon Bench. The Bench can only hold 5 Pokémon, so you can only do this if there are 4 or less Pokémon on the Bench.

B. Expand, evolve your Pokémon.

If you have a card that says "Evolves from X", and X is the name of a Pokémon in your hand, you can put your Evolves card on the card. This action is called expanding a Pokémon.

"You can upgrade a "Basic" Pokémon to Stage 1, and the latter to Stage 2 Pokémon. When a card "evolves", it retains all previously added cards (Energy, Evolution, etc.) and all previously dealt damage. Other effects and special conditions (see Special Conditions section) "Asleep", "Confused" and "Poisoned" stop working. In addition, an evolved Pokémon can no longer use its previous powers unless the card states otherwise.

Important! The card cannot be developed on the first turn. A Pokémon once evolved cannot evolve a second time either.

C. Attach an Energy card to a suitable Pokémon.

Choose a suitable Energy card and place it under your Active Pokémon or a Pokémon sitting on the bench. An Energy card is used only once per turn.

D. Use the Training Cards.

When playing with Practice Cards, follow all the steps on the bottom of the card. The used card is put aside.

Important! Only one Training Card can be played at a time. You cannot play the same Training Card a second time. One card is played per turn.

E. Retreat with Active Pokémon.

If your Pokémon has suffered a lot of damage, it is recommended that you step back and replace your Pokémon with a new one sitting on the bench. To retreat with an Active Pokémon, you must remove as many Energy Cards as the number of *** indicated on the card, and if there are none, retreat is free.

Important! "Paralysed" and "Asleep" Pokémon cannot withdraw. Some damage or special features may disappear when changing cards. When exchanging cards, the attack can continue during the same turn.

F. Use your Pokémon powers.

Some Pokémon have special powers that they can use. Many of them can be used before an attack. Each power is different, so read carefully how each one works - some are always active, others only become active after certain special actions.

And don't forget to declare what powers you will use, so that your opponent knows what actions to take.

Important! Power is not the same as attack, so when you use power, don't forget to attack! 

Attack! Kick and finish your move.

Make sure you've done everything you want to do in Stage 2 before you attack, because you can't go back!

A.Check the Active Pokémon's energy.

Before attacking, make sure you have enough Energy cards to attack the Active Pokémon. You can only attack if your Pokémon has as many Energy Stars as the attack requires, for example, if the attack requires ***, then your Pokémon must have ***.

B. Test your opponent's Pokémon weaknesses and resilience.

Some Pokémon have certain types of weaknesses or resistances, which are marked in the bottom left corner of the card.

If the attack deals damage, your opponent's active Pokémon will take even more damage if it has a weakness and will become less vulnerable if it has a resistance.

 Important! Weaknesses and Resistance are not used for Pokémon sitting on the bench.

C. Mark your opponent's cards with damage markers.

For every ten damage dealt, place one damage marker on your opponent's Active Pokémon. The amount of damage dealt is written to the right of the attack name. Also, remember to do all the actions required by the attack! 

When the attack is complete, don't forget to check if your opponent's Pokémon has been knocked out. Some attacks can knock out several of them, and sometimes even defeat the attacking Pokémon. If a Pokémon's total damage equals or exceeds its Life Points, that Pokémon is immediately eliminated from the game, along with any cards attached to it.

If you win, you must take one prize card. The player whose Pokémon was knocked out chooses a new active Pokémon from their bench. If your opponent can't do this because their bench is empty you win the game!

Also, if your opponent still has cards, but you have just taken your last prize card, you win the game too!

Special conditions

Sometimes special conditions have to be met before another player can make a move. Thus, some attacks affect the opponent's Pokémon and can cause it to become Sleeping (Asleep), Burnt (Burned), In a daze (Confused), Paralysed (Paralysed) or Poisoned (Poisoned).

They can only affect Active Pokémon, and once they're on the bench, the special conditions stop working.

Sleeping. To make the Pokémon fall asleep, turn it clockwise. If the Pokémon is asleep, it cannot attack or retreat. To resurrect a Pokémon, flip a coin between turns - if it turns up heads, it will resurrect (turn the card to the right), if it turns up tails, it will continue sleeping. 

Burnt. This Pokémon deals damage between turns, but can heal itself. If the Pokémon is burnt, a burn marker must be placed on it and while it has the marker, a coin must be flipped at the end of each turn.

If you lose the roll, the Pokémon that burned you takes 2 damage markers (Weaknesses and Resistance are not valid here). Burn markers do not stack, on the contrary, adding 1 marker to 2 markers cancels the first 2 markers and leaves only 1 marker.

Intoxicated. Turn the Pokémon to show it's intoxicated. To attack with such a Pokémon, you also need to flip a coin - if you win, your stunned Pokémon will attack as usual, and if you lose, the Pokémon will take 3 damage markers (Weaknesses and Resistances are not valid here).

Paralysed. Turn the paralysed Pokémon clockwise to show it is paralysed. If a Pokémon is paralysed, it cannot attack or retreat. A paralyzed Pokémon recovers from an opponent's move.

Poisoned. This Pokémon deals damage between turns. A Poison Marker must be placed on the poisoned Pokémon. While the Pokémon is poisoned, it receives one damage marker at the end of each turn (Weaknesses and Resistances are not valid here). In this case, the markers are also not cumulative - if you receive one, the old marker is removed. 


All special conditions, except Sleeping and Paralysed, cease when the Pokémon is on the bench. Sleeping, Paralysed and Stunned Pokémon can substitute for each other, for example, a Pokémon that was Sleeping, was stunned by something and was left only Stunned. So one Pokémon can be Sleeping, Poisoned and Stunned at the same time.

Fun facts about Pokémon playing cards

  • "Charizard G Lv. X" is a powerful card.

A very powerful card, and one of the best in the game, is Charizard G Lv. X". It has the Malevolent Fire ability, allowing it to deal an impressive 150 damage.

  • An original Charizard is auctioned on eBay for USD 18 000.

Who usually chooses Charizard? Everyone, it turns out. He is a lizard. He breathes fire like a dragon. He has wings. But if you want to get your hands on the first Charizard trading card, you'll have to spend a whopping $18 000 on an eBay auction.

  • Saudi Arabia bans Pokémon cards.

Saudi Arabia has banned Pokémon cards from entering the country, saying they depict symbols linked to Israel and are harmful to children.

  • Pokémon encourages children to learn maths.

When children play this game, it can help them understand the basics of maths. During battles, Pokémon can damage the health of another card, reducing its HP. To find out how much HP is left, they have to do some calculations.

Once you know all the rules of the Pokémon card game, all you have to do is invite a good friend and dive into the adventurous and exciting world of Pokémon!

The Pokémon Card Game is also a trading card game, so you can share cards with Pokémon fans, search for special cards, strategise, and build a very strong deck of cards. And if you don't have any paper cards, you can always try Pokémon Card Game online!  

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