The Thousand Card Game

The Thousand Card Game is an intriguing game that requires strategy. In this article you will learn about the basic rules of Thousand Cards, the card values and combinations, and the game's phases.


Rules of the Thousand Game

How many players play?

The Thousand card game is played in 2, 3 or 4 decks.

Instruments needed for the game

The card game Thousand is played with a traditional deck of cards, usually 24 cards. The order of rank of the cards is as follows: Ace (11 eyes), Ten (10 eyes), King (4 eyes), Queen (3 eyes), Jack (2 eyes), Nine (0 eyes). In total, the deck has 120 eyes (4×11 + 4×10 + 4×4 + 4×3 + 4×2).

Who deals the cards first is usually decided by lot. Then, for the next game, the cards are dealt clockwise, with the player on the left being the dealer.

The Thousand Card Game Objective

The first one to get the most - 1000 eyes.

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The Thousand Card Game. How to play?

With 4 players

The dealer carefully shuffles the cards and passes them first to the player on the right. The cards are then dealt to all players (except the dealer), initially 3 cards are dealt, and 3 more cards are placed face down on the table (hereafter referred to as Shop at).

Players are then dealt 4 more cards each, giving them a total of 7 cards. 

If any player receives 4 nines, they are turned up on the table and the dealer must collect all the players' cards, shuffle the deck, pass it to the player on the right and deal again in the same way.

If any player receives 3 nines, he can hold a card lottery. The player places all 3 9s face up on the table, and the remaining 2 players place 1 face up card, either red or black. The drawer chooses one of his 9s and then the first scoring begins:

If neither player guesses the suit of the card selected by the lottery organiser, the first 100 face-up points shall be awarded to the lottery organiser.

If one player guesses a colour and the other player does not, the player who guessed the colour gets 100 eye-points.

If both players guess the colour, they both share 50 eye-points.

Each game has a "Bet" and a "Play" phase.

Construction phase

Once the cards have been dealt and/or the raffle has been held, the game begins. The player to the left of the dealer is the first to announce his/her bet, which is normally 100 eyes, and therefore the player must also shout "100!" out loud.

The remaining players must then take it in turns to increase their bet by 10 more and more, e.g. 110 or 120.

The bet is increased and players compete until 2 players in a row say they have passed and shout "Pass!". In addition, once a player has passed, he/she does not participate in the next round of the game. The dealer then turns over all 3 cards placed on the table at the beginning of the game and hands them to the winner.

The number of meshes to be collected is known at the construction stage game at the end. It's worth remembering here that the maximum number of eyes you can collect is 120, so it would seem that you can only bet up to 120, but Thousand has some special "tips" that make the game much more interesting.

It is important to have not only the highest value cards (Ace and Ten), but also "pairs" of cards - uniform colours a king and a queen.

Each pair of each type of card also has a different number of mesh values:

King and Queen of Wines - 40 eyes 

King and Queen of Clubs - 60 eyes

King and Queen of Drums - 80 eyes

King and Queen of Hearts - 100 eyes

It is important to note that you can also change your bet if you get, for example, a pair of wines of the same colour - black or red - with those 3 cards, as they increase the value of your purchase, as mentioned above.

In this case, you can increase your bet to more than 120 eyes, e.g. if you have a King of Wines and a Queen, your bet can be a maximum of 160 eyes, if you have a King of Hearts or a Queen, it can be 220 eyes. 

Another important highlight

Having a pair can only actually add an extra set of eyes, as you may not actually get any points once the "Game" phase starts. If a player sees that he/she will not accumulate the required number of eyes that he/she has claimed to win the event, he/she may refuse to play once during the whole game.

Tada shall record 60 eyes for each of her opponents. Why raise the bet? The answer is simple - it gets you closer to winning.

At the end of the betting phase, the player who has said the highest number of hearts they plan to collect is entitled to take 3 cards face down on the table.

At that time, the player has as many as 10 cards in his hand but must deal 1 card to each of his opponents.

Interestingly, the player is not obliged to surrender the 3 cards from the table, but is free to choose and surrender the cards he already has.

The Thousand game continues with 8 cards per player. There are also slight variations of the game - the winner of a purchase may keep the cards instead of dealing them out, but places the 3 unwanted cards face down on the table and then puts the cards from the picks on top of them.

In this case, the players continue the Thousand with 7 cards.

There is also a special way to win a purchase that will bring you even more eyes. A risk-loving player can compete and place bets without even looking at their cards. This betting phase can be described as 'blind' or 'dark'.

If the other competitors in the game say a number of eyes that the player no longer wishes to exceed, then he can look at his cards and then he has 2 options - play and compete as normal or pass.

After making a purchase this way:

Winning and losing are doubly valued;

If the game is abandoned (passed), the opponents receive 120 eyes each;

Only the dealer looks at the buyer's cards, without showing them to others, and hands them back face down to the buyer.

In addition, the dealer is not actually involved in the game, he "sits" and earns the number of eyes of the purchase cards for the deal.

Stage of the game

After the betting phase, the accents game begins. The first card is dealt by the player who wins the purchase. The cards are thrown 1 clockwise by each player.

The player who starts a new round of picks is essentially the one who determines the basic colour and type of cards for his opponents.

Also, when playing with cards of the same suit, you must discard a card higher than your opponent's card to win the draw. If you happen to run out of cards of that suit, you can also discard a card of the opposite suit (also of any value).

It is important to think logically - if you do not have a card of the same suit at the time, or if your opponents do not have a trump of the same suit, which is determined by discarding pairs (a discarded queen determines the trump of that suit), it is always best to discard the nines, which are essentially worthless cards. 


A simple example:

Player A: King, Jack, Queen (wines)

Player B: Queen and Ten (wines)

Player C: Ace (wines)

Player A starts the turn and throws the King of Wines (4 eyes).

Player B must throw a higher value card of the same suit, a 10 of the same suit (10 of diamonds). Logically, the player should not throw the Queen, as it is of lower value (3 hearts) than the King, unless Player A has thrown a Jack (2 hearts) or a Nine (0 hearts).

Player C in this case has the highest value card, an Ace (11 eyes). He throws it on the table, wins the pot and starts a new round.

Another important feature of the game is that you can score points with the aforementioned King and Queen pairs.

In addition, the pairs action (picking with a queen in your hand while also holding a king) is also important when you want to maintain a certain colour and type of further play, for example you discard a queen and the next card will be the black reels - this way you you set the trump of the accent.

The next move must be made with the drum king and other drum trumps.

Some possible endings for an accent with a trump:

Your opponents also roll King of Drums and Ace of Drums, but you don't get a Club. It is won by the player who throws the Ace, as it is the highest trump card.

If the players had, say, discarded the King of Hearts and the Ace of Hearts, you would still win the club, even though we have a lower-value card - the Queen - but also the most powerful card in the game at the moment - the trump.  

Another interesting game in pairs is that the final suit and type of card - the trump - is determined by the last person to throw a card on the table.

For example, you have a pair of hearts and your opponent has a pair of wines. Your opponent was the first to throw the Queen of Wines, so he has set the trump card, but you throw the Queen of Hearts and immediately change the trump card in your favour! That's what makes this game so dynamic and fun.

When all the moves and accents are done (7 or 8 in total) it's time to count the points! If you are the leading player and you want to be the winner, you must confirm that you have collected the original amount of meshes, e.g. 160 meshes, and having a pair of Clubs and 103 points in the picks also increases your chances of winning. If you have these numbers, congratulations, you have won the round!

Determining the winner and scoring

As mentioned above, the leading player must confirm that he has collected the amount of eyes originally bet. If not, the total points scored in the preceding games must be deducted from the total points scored in this round.

The other players count their points and if the total ends in 0-5, the final total is rounded down, if 6-9, rounded up.

For example, if you score 53 points, the total is rounded up to 50, and if you score 56 points, the total is rounded up to 60 eyes.

The first player to score 1000 points wins the game.

Special Card Game Thousand Rules

If you want to make the game even more dynamic, more complicated and more fun, you can use these tricks: 

"The 100 Left Behind"

This situation occurs during the betting phase. One of the rules is that the player to the left of the dealer must start the bet by saying "One hundred!". Sometimes it happens that the two players following him pass and must play with the bet amount, even though they do not want to.

In this case, it is usually agreed that the player takes the 3 cards originally placed on the table and does not show them to his opponents and uses them for his own purposes.


This situation also happens when placing bets. The winner of the bet takes the 3 cards on the table, looks at them, and may say something to express his dissatisfaction, such as "Oops! I was expecting different cards".

If you see that you don't get the amount of points-eyes you said you'd get at the start (and are likely to lose the game), you can throw a real "bomb", which means that the round doesn't go ahead, your opponents immediately get an extra 60 eyes (total of 120 eyes divided by 2) on top of the point total.

Instead of subtracting the sum of your points from your point total, you draw a big dot - a "bomb" - on the scoreboard. It was decided by consensus that each player can make these "bombs" 3 times in each game.

Of course, you can't abuse this trick either! While it will help you not to lose immediately, it will not save you from failure if you do not think logically and strategically.

"800 and stuck"

With this trick, players who score 800 points or more cannot use any other tricks further in the game unless the player wins the betting game and 3 cards from the table.

If the latter loses the game and his point total drops, he can use all the tricks again - Bomb, 100 Left and the rest. This trick allows the player to stay in the game a little longer.

"17 and under? No, thank you!"

After the cards have been dealt, if the total of 7 cards is 17 eyes or less, you have the right to show your cards to your opponents and ask for a redraw.

The same situation happens when you get 4 nines. You must do this before you bet - unfortunately, if you're late, the train doesn't wait for sleepers.

If this happens even 2 times in a row, the dealer immediately loses 100 of his points and passes the cards to the player on his left.

Card game A Thousand and Two

"Thousand can also be played with two players, but with fewer cards. Usually 6 cards are dealt and the others are put aside. A different player starts every second game. The first player to start the game has to score 100 or 120 points according to the agreement.

If he does not get the required amount of points, a minus is recorded (just like in a four-player game, and the points are deducted if he wins a 3-card purchase).

In the next game, the other player has to collect a certain amount of eyes. In addition, if these rules are not satisfactory, it is possible to play without minus points, as the game can take a very long time.

After the draw, the players take one card from the deck and collect cards until there is no deck left and the cards are played.

There is another option for playing in pairs. Both players deal 8 cards and make 2 card pots of 4 cards each.

Again, bets are placed and the winning player takes one of the pots and gives his opponent the 2 unnecessary cards. The other pot is untouched until the end of the game.