Subconscious recordings

Subconscious recordings

An emotional response such as tilt is not just a random flash. Such a response does not arise without reason. After all, players tilt in different ways, have different thresholds to tilt, and tilt for different reasons. Taking the emotional response as an indicator of underlying values can give us good insights into how to manage tilt and other unwanted behaviours.

Let's imagine that the emotional response is a "tape recording" coming from the subconscious. Maybe you tend to quit quickly when you win, to retreat when you lose to a bad player, or maybe you start to get side-tracked when you get bored? This behaviour reflects your core values - your first-order desires. If you finish a game too early, your value seems to be feeling that you had a profitable session; if you tilt against poor players, your value is to feel superior to others; if you score when you are bored, your value is fun and excitement.

We're not saying you're overestimating it. Objectively, it is difficult for another person to determine whether someone is overvaluing something because values cannot be defined rationally. Quite simply, each person has his or her own values and chooses to uphold them. If you value arousal and are happy with that value, who are we to tell you to choose money over it? However, if your second-order desire is to prioritise money over an exciting match, it means that you want to change your first-order desire. In that case, it is quite logical to correct this discrepancy.

To fully tap into your emotional capacity, both positive and negative, you must start with a sincere analysis, You cannot blindly resist the emotional response as if the effect itself were the problem. If you start to get distracted during a boring match, it is only a symptom of your fundamental value. Blaming the distraction would be like blaming the cough by ignoring the virus itself. If you value excitement, then first of all you have to admit to yourself that you value it. If you didn't appreciate it, you wouldn't be distracted in the first place. Once you recognise that you appreciate a particular emotion in the present moment, you can start working on directing it in the right direction, or simply suppressing it.

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