School Week: Movie Section and Live Lessons continued its activities actively this week. This time, our members received several free live broadcasts.

On Friday, “Mariezas” shared his secret to success, explaining how he managed to win over a thousand dollars in a tournament.

Mariezo $1000 win

The next day, coach “RoundMidnight” conducted his live analysis, commenting on students' cash game hands.

RoundMidnight students' cash game analysis


“RoundMidnight,” “Zverinis,” and “BluesKid” uploaded three more videos discussing Cash and Spin&Go bankroll management and hand history analysis.

Cash game bankroll management

Spin&Go bankroll management

Hand History analysis choosing bet/check lines and size

And that's not all – the first part of our video lesson on BTN 3way postflop strategy has recently been released.

BTN 3way postflop strategy part 1

And traditionally, we ended the week with movies, among which there are some excellent masterpieces this time!

Relax: gambling movies for a quiet evening (Part VI)

By the way, we hope you haven't forgotten that you can still win 100 EUR by participating in our blog writing contest! Try your luck or vote for your favorite entries.

Win 100 euros