Why do others succeed in poker, but I don’t?

Response to the student’s letter:

“Good evening, I am considering enrolling in your school, but I am also wondering if it will benefit me. I have been playing poker for about 3 years and I can say that I am at a complete loss. Over the weekend, I lose between 25 to 50 pounds, more precisely per day. If fortune smiles briefly, it is enough for Sunday. The question that concerns me the most is, how is it possible to learn this game if, in my opinion, it is entirely a matter of luck. You can’t bluff far, and even when I get AA, my luck often loses against 6-5 or even 2-2. In short, no matter what hands I play, I still end up losing. Can your training help in any way or are you just one of the few lucky ones who win? It seems to work for everyone but me and probably for most people.”