
  • Profile picture of Domas Domas

    We gave the laptop a taste of wine with the roommates, so this one will be a bit more slippery, i.e. without the Lithuanian letters. I am sitting in the university library, I feel like I don't belong, there are so many systematic people around me, bachelors, dissertations, graduations (in the form of a joke, if it's good for them it's good for me).


    @jakudzas as I said, the message will be addressed to you, I won't try...[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Domas Domas

    @jakudzas interesting thoughts, thank you for such an interesting "dump", the next post will be dedicated to you 🙂
    And if you want to keep it short, here's a photo from my "to do list".
    I know what you mean, giving yourself in one area and never ending motivation can lead to a bullet in your own forehead, so you're absolutely right 😀

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    So, one week has gone by and I will describe what I managed to do during it. I played five days a week. Ideally, I would like to play at least 1 hour every day of the week. Because after a few days off you feel less engaged in the game and need more time to get into the rhythm. So consistency is an important part of improvement.

    Poker...[Read more]