Domas Domas

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  • Domas Domas

    I haven't joined the school for a long time, I came to the blogs to check out the new faces, and it's really nice to see that you're still here, you're still improving, analyzing and disciplined, I'm happy for you, it'd be nice to talk to you in real life sometime, keep it up!

    Domas Domas

    We gave the laptop a taste of wine with the roommates, so this one will be a bit more slippery, i.e. without the Lithuanian letters. I am sitting in the university library, I feel like I don't belong, there are so many systematic people around me, bachelors, dissertations, graduations (in the form of a joke, if it's good for them it's good for me).


    as I said, the message will be addressed to you, I won't try to "impersonate" the situation and every word written here will be the truth (mine). You mentioned that my thoughts are chaotic and do not flow with peace, so you are right! 😀 In my opinion, to live the way the system tells you to is just slavery. Why? Because everyone, absolutely everyone can live like this, everyone can work a 9-5 job, everyone can earn extra money from some activity, the system has created such opportunities that you would be even more attached to it. Also, when it comes to the evils of the situation, everyone can describe their life, and what happens? The reader is simply not interested and before even starting to read he scrolls to the end of the page, reads the last sentence, mentally twists that artificial "zjbs, stengesi" and if he is still a person who is a curmudgeon, he will certainly support the bad. My see it's like that everywhere, in writing bad things, at school, at work, in life in general. If you want something more than artificial "jibes" you have to think more about what really attracts people, and of course it has to attract you first.

    Now you are probably reading and thinking "Dom, don't burn anymore", my thoughts are still chaotic, they are always like that and only because I like it and I know what you want.

    Now I want to answer your questions in a banal and simple way. I don't see myself anywhere in 2 years, 5 years or 10 years, I probably can't see it because my life is in chaos, I want to try many things, but poker is still the main activity I am trying to develop. If you mean what I will be in 5 years if I succeed in my poker career, then yes, I have a vision and you will see it on TV (don't be arrogant if that sounds arrogant). I plan to play live and online tournaments, hopefully I will spend more time on live, and diversify into cash and omaha.

    At the moment I am still concentrating on media, I have a gopro with which I film everything that would be interesting for the audience, I want to create video iras. I'm also thinking of starting to vlog, but that will be when I get more confidence. I also want to try my hand at ballroom, modeling, and of course try the activities in the photo. Time is pressing, have a nice day

    P.s. I had to stop on a trip I didn't take, where I was in transit, sleeping under a billboard, next to a petrol station and wherever else I could. The journey lasted 3 days, but I was back when I left. More about it sometime, then

    Domas Domas

    A metaphor, but does it make any difference? Any time any man can be lost ?

    Domas Domas

    @jakudzas interesting thoughts, thank you for such an interesting "dump", the next post will be dedicated to you 🙂
    And if you want to keep it short, here's a photo from my "to do list".
    I know what you mean, giving yourself in one area and never ending motivation can lead to a bullet in your own forehead, so you're absolutely right 😀

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    Domas Domas

    This sequel should not have happened, these words you are reading now should not have been written. What a wonderful influence a person can have.

    Dom: Understood, thank you. I doubt that I will write any more, I'm not improving to be honest, anyway it's nice that you at least liked it ?
    Zigmas: so fucking what a good first part
    Zigmas: I haven't seen one yet
    Zigmas: !!!

    Motivation is not the main proof of life, to feel that you are not wasting your time. That's why I have so much of it, in every little thing and in every person. When I get up in the morning, in a messy room, even though my eyes are still squinting, I open my laptop and put on some motivational music (in this case this ), then I do a short exercise, which is like a little health patch, and throw in a cigarette after a cheap glass of juice. Cigarettes are one of the main things that ruin our health, and it is only a matter of time before we start to appreciate it, but it will be too late. I had the will to give them up, I did not smoke for 9 months before I went to Spain. Hot weather, nice clothes, motivating music, a balcony to sit on and feel like God in your heart, a cold cocktail, and at that time the only thing I missed to be happy was a Cuban cigar, and that's how my lungs started to burn again. In the mornings I try to look nice, I don't wear the usual adidas pants anymore, I jump into jeans, I put on a leather jacket and a silver watch, it doesn't matter that I'm not going anywhere, that's how I get confidence.
    Not all mornings are as motivated as yours, I am not a robot either. There are rough patches, there are troubles, and you usually have to go through it alone, probably a flaw inherited from poker, after all poker is an individual game. Since I said that, I can't help but mention the person who is still with me when I have hormonal storms and those days - my sister, my YOU affinity!

    I spend most of the day working on live game information and in the evening, around 10pm, I go to the casino. I enter the street of action, there's a bunch of scared grouse on the left, a bunch of local gopniks scared of themselves on the right, and straight ahead a luxury casino. From home to home. Once inside, it's like a movie plot, a bit dark, coloured lights, just as you walk in there are about 20 slot machines so that the local gamblers don't have to walk far, then all the more serious games, blackjack, roulette, craps, Chinese poker. The gaming tables are mostly occupied by Kitai (Chinese/Japanese) and local gamblers in hoodies. Once you pass through this systemic creation, you come face to face with the casino authorities and if you like them, you can move on to the final block - the poker room. 10 tables, cash, tournaments, your own maids and free soft drinks. As I only play cash I come later as the tournaments start around 7-8pm and all the players are in the tournaments by then. When it finally starts to get dark I'm waiting with my fishing rod and a few other local gopniks for more people to chip in. There are nights when the rod is taken away from me and I end up becoming a fish myself. This was the case a few days ago, when a mister in a suit +- 35 years old, sitting next to me, broke me psychologically. Friendly,bought drinks for everyone at the table,and of course talked a lot. My style of play is similar to P.Antonius. I try not to talk while I'm playing,only my gaze is usually directed at my opponent,which usually makes him feel uncomfortable after watching the match and he betrays this and that. That's why mister suited who was sitting next to me and talked a lot, called me mister Lithuania, and criticized my tight game. I was playing tight because the table was full of drinks and quite aggressive,so I didn't want to show my initiative here. Mister suited was the gambler,I was the player,I was playing with KK,he was gambling with 34o. We fist bumped,had a friendly pint of Mister's pint and that was the end of my evening's fishing.

    Another lesson in the poker pool I'm filling in my head:
    Don't give in to provocation, if you do, get away from the table.

    Domas Domas

    Look on fb, very sensitive information here

    Domas Domas

    Thank you, I appreciate it 😉

    Domas Domas

    What about simple star notes, is there a platform for uploading such information?

    I'm still waiting for an answer 😀

    Domas Domas

    I've only just seen the answer, thank you

    I googled passworda and it worked, here for those who will encounter it in the future

    Domas Domas

    Does anyone know what to do with this window?

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