Pot Odds

The amount of chips in the pot compared to the amount of chips you need to put in to continue playing. For example, there are 60$ in the pot, someone bets 6$, so there are now 66$. Your call costs 6$, which means the pot odds are 1:11, if you have at least a 1 in 12 chance of having the best hand, it pays to call.

Poker terms "P" raide


It's time. Two cards of the same rank.


A style of play that involves more frequent checks and...

Pay Off

To call a bet when the river card is turned up,...

Picked Off

Getting a call back when you bluff a bet.

Play Back

Place a bet against another player.

Play Fast

Play your hand aggressively, build and raise...

Play the Board

A situation where the cards you hold do not add up to...


When you think about what combination of...


The place you take at the table is based on...


Put chips in the bank.


Bank. The amount of chips or money on the...

Pot Limit

A game where the maximum possible bet cannot...


A game where the community cards have not yet been opened.


Put more chips in the pot, answer,...