A complete list of poker terms, explanations of various terms and slang. Memorise these poker basics or discover what you didn't know or had forgotten. With this knowledge, you won't look like a fish at the table.

Dead Money

Chips that have been inserted by a player are no longer...


Share. Give all players cards and...

Deal Me In

A request to deal cards, even when...

Deal Me Out

Notification that a player will be absent from the game for at least...

Deal Twice

The agreement that the cards on the table are...


Shareholder. A person who deals the cards, distributes...

Dealers Button

A small round figure that, according to the clock,...


A set of playing cards or simply a deck....


Drums. One of the four card types.


The term is used in draw games to describe cards that...

Donk Bet

When a player is the first to place a bet after...


A word with a pejorative connotation, for the weak, for those without...

Double Up

Double your chips. When played from all...


A losing streak involving a game session or...

Doyle Brunson

This is the name given to a combination of 10 and...

Draw Dead

Cards that will strengthen your hand, but...

Draw Game

The type of game or table at which...

Draw Out

A situation where you have an inferior hand...


Play with a hand that has the potential to...

Dry Board

Dry table. Common cards on the table,...