Doyle Brunson

This is the combination of 10 and 2 (Brunson won the World Championship two years in a row with these cards in his last hand).

Poker terms "D" raide

Dead Money

Chips that have been inserted by a player are no longer...


Share. Give all players cards and...

Deal Me In

A request to deal cards, even when...

Deal Me Out

Notification that a player will be absent from the game for at least...

Deal Twice

The agreement that the cards on the table are...


Shareholder. A person who deals the cards, distributes...

Dealers Button

A small round figure that, according to the clock,...


A set of playing cards or simply a deck....


Drums. One of the four card types.


The term is used in draw games to describe cards that...

Donk Bet

When a player is the first to place a bet after...


A word with a pejorative connotation, for the weak, for those without...

Double Up

Double your chips. When played from all...


A losing streak involving a game session or...

Draw Dead

Cards that will strengthen your hand, but...

Draw Game

The type of game or table at which...

Draw Out

A situation where you have an inferior hand...


Play with a hand that has the potential to...

Dry Board

Dry table. Common cards on the table,...