The psychology of poker. Bridge = Anger + Bad Game (1)

Previous part of Mental Game of Poker: Additional strategies for solving problems

The Bridge = anger + bad game

Traditional Bridge the definition is too broad. Sometimes Bridge just means a bad game, but it can also mean a bad game, because the winners are either over-handed, over-conservative or drunk. Bridge It's hard to get rid of because its definition is so broad that it covers practically everything except good play.

To remove bridge, you need to know why you played badly. Only when you understand the reason for your bad game can you develop a specific strategy to help you win bridge. The strategy will be as clear as the problem itself. There are hundreds of reasons for a bad game and each of them requires a specific strategy. If you think that definiteness is not important, then look at the following comparison:

"I did well, made some good read and I won one buy-in, but then I'm silent and scatter all my chips".

In general, poker players do not tend to analyse Bridge the way they analyse hands played. Their Bridge analysis can be likened in absurdity to such an analysis of the hand:

"I am in the little Blind, all come down to cut offwho raises to $10, I have A-Q of one suit, then I make a technical error and lose my chips"

You can also say "I sat down at the table, blah blah blah, and I lost". All the important information that would be needed for a proper analysis of the hand is not mentioned. Without that information it is impossible to improve your poker skills. The same can be said for bridge.

After spending enough time observing poker players, it is clear that most of the clues about bridge, usually referring to players' frustration, anger or rage. For that reason, this book bridge is described as the result of anger. However, this does not mean that the solution to the problem is simply not being angry. Thinking that bridge can be switched off at the press of a button is a fantasy. Moreover, it is very often mistakenly assumed that anger is the problem. Anger is a symptom, not the real problem.

As mentioned in Chapter 4, Bridge solving the problem means successful Bridge management and, at the same time, working away from the poker table, explaining Bridge reasons. Both sides of the strategy are very important and necessary, so don't fall into the trap of thinking that deep breathing, taking breaks, stopping the game, going to the gym, holding your breath, or thinking positively are the long term solutions. These strategies only help to manage bridge until it is completely removed.

The aim of this chapter is to provide the basic information you will need to deal with Bridge and eliminate it from your game. Organised into coherent sections, information on bridge, will gradually become more detailed and specific. Although it may sometimes seem that more detail is going into the details than is necessary, it is in the details that the mastery lies.

The nature of anger

Anger is an emotion that represents conflict. Conflict is essentially a contradiction. Conflict is best recognised when it happens between you and another person, as when someone jams their car in the road, a drunken friend acts like an idiot, or someone humiliates you at the poker table because you did a bad thing call. Anger is not inherently a bad thing, and it can be a great motivator for action, but it can also be the cause of big problems. The first step to resolving your Bridge the problem is to find out what is causing the anger.

Conflict between you and poker, and between you and other poker players, is much easier to pin down than conflict with yourself. Players often describe that feeling as "fighting with yourself" in an attempt to control bridge. Such a conflict is not imaginary. It is real and exists between what the player consciously knows and the deficiencies that exist in their unconscious competence. In other words, they struggle to prevent those weaknesses from becoming Bridge cause.

Sometimes you manage to win the battle, and sometimes your sanity is overwhelmed by intense anger and you lose control. It is often difficult for our minds to understand when control is being lost, because logically you know how you should think and why tilt is irrational. So why isn't it enough? Here are three possible reasons:

  1. Your logic is correct, but what is needed is for that logic to become unconscious competence.
  2. Concentrated tilt quickly overwhelms your mental capacity.
  3. You think you have all the pieces of the logic puzzle to solve the problem, but you don't.

The vast majority of poker players associate themselves most closely with point 3, and the purpose of this section is to provide those missing pieces of the puzzle.

Concentrated tilt

Anger-inducing tilt is not just the result of a single session or tournament, but can be accumulated over a period of time. When the causes of anger are not addressed, it builds up and becomes a burden for the future. If you have ever experienced sudden tiltthe kind that goes off like a bomb blast, the cause of which was the accumulation of tilt. This usually happens during prolonged periods of poor variation. It gets easier every day insulate, because the anger of the previous day is carried over to the next day. Poker can help you deal with a certain amount of anger that builds up as you play, but if it's not enough to completely clear your mind, you'll reach your breaking point sooner next time.

Your thoughts are not as powerful as your emotions. No matter how mentally strong you are, concentrating tilt can overwhelm your ability to control your emotions. This means that the only way to deal with pent-up tilt is working with your emotions when you're not at the poker table. To deal with the build-up tilt Use the strategies described in this section and in the "concentrated emotions" section.  

Tilt o tilt

Anger is found in two places. The most significant form of anger arises from bad habits that exist in unconscious competence. For example, you don't like to lose and become angry when you do; you think you deserve to win because you are a better player, so you become angry when a bad player suckoutina; or you can't stand bad drivers and lose your temper when they put their cars on the road.

Anger also comes when you realise you are angry - bridge bridge. Basically, you become angry because you are already angry - angry because making mistakes triggers your anger, tiltinatebecause you allowed your opponent to Insulate, or tiltinate, because you have no idea how to organise your Bridge the problem.

These extra levels of anger are like extra logs in the fire. The flawed logic in the unconscious mind fuels that fire, and a more effective use of the mind is necessary to put that fire out. The last three chapters have been devoted to facilitating thinking tilt currently. It's all so simple that you can Insulate just because you didn't realise it yourself before. Players often don't realise that they are pouring fuel on a fire, thinking it is water.

Bridge Benefits

Yes, you read that right - tilt can be a good thing. It can be used to improve your game. Of course, the ultimate goal is complete tilt absence, but since it is not possible to simply switch off bridging, it's better to use it to become a better player.

As described in Chapter 3, when an emotion (in this case anger) is triggered, the thinking part of the brain shuts down. Thinking protects against weaknesses that exist in the game and have not yet been trained to the level of unconscious competence. Since it is difficult to understand when certain poker skills reach the level of unconscious competence (because it happens unconsciously), the tilt can be an indicator of what still needs work. And the reality can be very hard when you realise how little of the game is mastered. But when success and profitability depend on how accurately we are able to assess our game, tilt can make a positive difference.

When you start bridging, it's easy to focus only on how badly you are playing. But you have to learn to recognise that it's not all bad, it's something you do very well. If you are still throwing average hands with no position, you have mastered good hand selection and understanding of the importance of position. Although tiltindami and playing too much loose or tight, but perhaps bet sizes or thin value bet'ai are good.

Of course, there is the other side of the coin, where failure or constant aggression against you brings out your patience, and then your great weaknesses come out. Suddenly you find yourself trying to bluff fishwhen it clearly has a good hand, showing that you still cannot automatically take your foot off the accelerator. If you catch yourself too much loose responding to bets or catching various purchases (draws), without adequate odds, this may indicate a lack of deeper mathematical understanding of the game or an excessive desire to Gamblinti.

The mistakes you make when you play are usually basic and happen because you haven't mastered how to correct mistakes in your game. Of course, anger also plays a role, because if you weren't angry, you would be able to think normally and avoid mistakes. Nevertheless, your poker weaknesses need to be corrected and tilt helps identify them.

Where is the best place to play poker?