Poker combinations

Poker hands are the most important part of the poker game. It is the value of the hands that determines who wins and who has to accept defeat. So, in order to win, you need to be familiar with the poker hands and the strength of the hands that can determine your winnings.
Poker combinations

Poker hands are the most important part of the game, so you need to remember them very well or risk losing embarrassingly. Remembering the 10 hands is not difficult, as they are arranged in a fairly logical way - the higher the probability of a hand, the weaker it is, and vice versa - the lower the probability, the stronger it is.

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Video overview of poker hands:

*if you are interested in poker hands in English, read here.

NO LIMIT Texas Holdem Poker Combinations

1) Royal flush - royal colour

Royal colour (royal flush) is what every poker player dreams of - an unbeatable hand. This title is awarded to a single type of straight (e.g. all spades or all hearts), ranging from a ten to an ace (10, J, Q, K, A). The chances of getting such a hand are very slim, so don't be surprised to see various tournaments or online poker rooms offering various jackpots and other prizes for this combination.

royal row and colour

2) Straight flush - row and colour

This is a very similar hand to the Royal suit, but there can be any rank and suit, i.e. from three of a kind to seven of a kind, or from nine of a kind to king, but the important thing is to have the same type (clubs, hearts...) There are more chances of getting a suit and a rank than a Royal suit. Higher order wins, so if, for example, the community cards face up are 5, 6 and 7 of clubs, and you have 8 and 9, you will win against a competitor who is happy to have 3 and 4 of clubs.

row and colour

3) Four of a kind - four of a kind

The name of the hand gives it away - you must have four of a kind, and the fifth card can be anything. For example, you can have 4 Aces and a Deuce - a very strong hand. Again, it is possible for two people to have 4 of a kind (although this is very rare), so the player with the higher four will win (four Aces will win against four Kings, etc.) Also, it is possible for more than one player to have four of a kind (the same as all the Aces, for example), in which case the player whose fifth card is higher wins. For example, all four of a kind are face up on the table as community cards, the fifth card is a four of a kind, and three players play. The winner is the highest card, for example a queen, while the highest card in the other hands is a seven and a five.

four identical

4) Full house

A full house or full house is a situation where there are three cards of the same rank plus a pair. Three aces and two kings is the strongest full house, beating other full houses such as three kings and two aces.

full house - full oven

5) Flush - colour

A suit is not all black or all red, it is one type of five cards, for example five hearts. If several players have five cards of the same type, the one with the highest card wins. Note that the highest card wins, and if the highest card is the same, the second highest card wins, and so on.


6) Straigth - queue

A row is a row of five cards in a row. A row can be A to 5, 2 to 6 and so on until it reaches 10 to Ace. The higher the row, the stronger it is and the more it overcomes the other rows. A simple row can be a sequence of any consecutive cards, regardless of their type (whether it is 3 spades and 2 hearts or 4 hearts and a club makes no difference).


7) Three of a kind - three of a kind

Three of a kind are three cards of the same rank and two cards of any rank that are not paired together. If they were also a pair, there would be a full trove (see above). So it could be 10, 10, 10, 2 and 5 or any other similar combination. The higher the three of a kind, the stronger the hand, this is relevant if two or more players have three of a kind. If the three of a kind are of equal value between players, the additional two cards become relevant. The hand with the higher additional card wins.

three identical

8) Two pair

Two pairs are four cards that form two separate pairs (two cards of the same rank) and a fifth card of any rank. For example, two tens and two kings and a queen. If two or more players have two pairs, the winner is the player holding the higher pair. If the higher pair is the same, the player with the higher second pair wins. If the second pair is the same, the player whose fifth card is higher wins.

two pairs

9) Pair

A pair is two cards of the same rank. The higher the pair, the stronger it is: a pair of Kings will beat a pair of 10s, etc. If the players have a pair of the same rank, the winner is the one who holds the higher non-pair card. If this is also the same, the next card in rank is taken for comparison, etc.


10) High card - the highest card

If the players fail to make any poker hand, the player with the highest card wins. If the top card is the same, the second card is taken, and so on, until a winner is determined.

the highest cardAs we mentioned at the beginning, the above combinations beat every hand below and lose to every hand above! If you want to take the next steps in your poker career, read about poker rules, and poker terms.

Where is the best place to play poker?