Recently, there has been an increase in reports on Lithuanian forums about prohibited transactions from both Lithuanian banks (including Revolut) and withdrawals from poker rooms.
We inform you that in accordance with the order of the Director of the Gambling Supervision Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania No. DIE-39 dated 2019.01.29, the international payment transfer from sender XXX will not be executed on 2019.02.04. The funds of the mentioned payment transfer XXX EUR will be returned to the sender.
More information
From the response, we see that the order, which had been inactive for three years, regarding the use of Lithuanian banks in foreign gambling companies, came into effect on January 29 of this year (Full law). During the implementation and enforcement of this law, we may encounter several problems.
– Banks may require explanations as to why and where the transfers were attempted.
– For those who have deposited money into companies via bank transfer, it may be more difficult to withdraw money using other means and they may be asked to withdraw the money from where it was deposited (e.g., Skrill).
Alternative ways to move money in poker
Alternatives include other banks operating within the EU that provide IBAN accounts, as well as long-used and convenient electronic wallets like Skrill and Neteller.