Dreams come true !!!


laurynas-2nd-digestifHi, so ever since I discovered poker I've always found it very exotic when people go somewhere on the other side of the world to live and work and it's been one of my biggest poker dreams and now, as I write this, I'm just two hours away from the start of my dream trip. It's a very good feeling when your hard work finally starts to be rewarded and you are about to start achieving what you have been dreaming about for years. As for the challenge, I have really neglected it a lot in the last month, and I have swung about 600 euros in the last few weeks. I'm thinking of coming back to the challenge in about two weeks, because I think that's how long it will take to find a permanent place to live in Cambodia, settle down and start building. And I think I'll be at full capacity in a month's time, because at the beginning I'll still have a lot of things to visit, see and do. By the way, just before the trip, one of my students (who plays under the nickname thldr) was very pleasantly surprised and proved that hard work pays off when he won second place in the digestif tournament a few days ago and received 1766 euros. And the next blog post will be once I'm settled in and from then on I'll start reporting weekly again as before. So see you soon!