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Poker Math - Outs and Pot Odds

To be a winning player in poker, you need to know all the basic poker probabilities, e.g. how many outs does a flush draw or a str draw + over card have? Aces are all the cards that can make our hand a winning hand. How do our calculations differ after the flop and after the turn?

What to do with those cars?

Pot odds. To find the right solution, we need to compare our cars with the money in the bank and how much we need to call. For example: if there are €10 in the pot and the opponent bets €10 more, the total pot will be €20 and we need to call €10, so we have a 20:10 or 2:1 odds.

Find out how to understand whether it pays to play, what are implied odds and reverse implied odds in this video.

Table with cars