School Week: prizes and fun!

Jovita's achievement

Last week we focused on the Lithuanian Online Poker Championships, where many teachers and students competed. So we have less news and new video lessons than many of you are used to.

But there is a lot to tell.

Did you hear that Project Manager Jovita triumphed in a high buy-in event? So far, we can't get enough. Read about it (by the way, another win followed!):

As usual, we have published another installment of our series of entertainment articles. It's interesting to find out which famous people are real poker fans. 🙂

Celebrities at the tables: stars who haven't played tournaments for a while

As already mentioned, we had less video content than usual.

"Peledazmogis analysed the students' game.

Big16.50$ and 2.2$ KO (late stage) round analysisBig16.50$ and 2.2$ KO (late stage) round analysis

RoundMidnight has also analysed the cash game.

Live analysis of student cash hands

Strategy lessons were given to MTT and Spin&Go players, with Peledazmogis presenting the second part of his lesson.

How to play knockout tournaments Part 2

And for others, the post-flop strategy video was made by Zverinis.

Introduction to the postflop strategy