Poker News Review with "benislov" #1

19 October. has launched a new project with a well-known name in the poker world, Andrius "benislovas" Bielskis - Weekly poker news roundup on Twitch. The first edition went very smoothly and received a lot of interest and positive feedback from the audience.
poker news benislov poker twitch

If you missed the live stream but want to hear what happened in the poker world last week - you can view a recording of the show Youtube channel. 

In the first episode of the show "benislovas is focusing on last week's Žvejo iššūkis (Fisherman's Challenge), the biggest live poker festival in Lithuania. You can find out who the winners were, and Andrius will share his insights on how the tournament went, what he liked and what could be improved for next time.

In addition to the Fisherman's Challenge, in this episode you can also learn more about the upcoming Daniel Negreanu and Doug Polk fightwhat happened to poker's most popular streamer Lex Veldhuiswhat poker series are currently running, and about New gambling regulations in Germany.

Next episode next Monday at 21:00 (26 October) on the Twitch channel, so see you soon!