Plus Session podcast - Episodes 12 and 13

"The Plus Session is a podcast about the world of poker and its underbelly. Most episodes has attracted a lot of attention not only from poker playersbut also from those who knew nothing about poker before. Many episodes has been viewed more than 5 thousand times, and the channel itself has already gathered over 1730 subscribers. In this news, we will present the next two episodes of the show.
plus session poker podcast channel

Andrius Bielskis interviews "benislovas" in the twelfth episode of the show Paul Žulonas, a familiar face in the cash world, at BluesKid.

In this programme, find out what made the medical student decide to take a different path, and how did Paul's poker career begin? Plus, BluesKid will tell you a lot interesting facts about the world of cashhow to choose the right tables, how to reduce the rake, etc.?

This episode is almost two hours long, so you can prepare yourself for a frank, long and interesting conversation about the world of poker.

The thirteenth episode of "Plush Session" features a guest appearance by Justas Sereičikas "Sir" and it is safe to say that this is one of the most interesting episodes of this podcast. 

The conversation touches on very deep topics that should be relevant to many poker players. Just from the like/dislike ratio and viewer comments, it is clear that If poker is even the smallest part of your life, this episode is definitely worth watching!

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