Blackjack rules (Blackjack rules)

Black Jack is one of the best known and most frequently played casino games. The rules of Black Jack are clear to all players. A good knowledge of them can greatly reduce the house edge. In this article, we will cover all the aspects of Black Jack that a newcomer might need, but most of the information will also be useful for veterans of the game. We will discuss the most important strategies that every blackjack player needs to remember in order to spend as much time as possible at the tables.
blackjack online

Blackjack rules and the basis of the game

Black Jack is a traditional card game in which the player plays against the casino house (in this case, the dealer) and aims to score 21 points or more than the dealer. The scoring system used in Blackjack is simple:

  1. All number cards score points according to their value.
  2. All court cards score 10 points (J, Q, K)
  3. Aces award 1 or 11 points, calculated according to the player's choice. An Ace is also known as a 'soft' card because it can change its value.

    Blackjack online. Where is the most reliable place to play?

Game progress

At the start of each game, the croupier deals two cards to each player and one to himself. US Blackjack is played by the croupier dealing two cards, but one is kept face down until the players have completed their decisions. Once all players have received their cards, each player is given the opportunity to take a turn (from left to right) to act:

  1. Hit - In this case, the dealer gives the player one more card. If the new number of points does not exceed 21, the player makes further decisions. If the total exceeds 21, the player loses the round and his bet goes to the casino house.
    It always pays to take additional cards with less than 12 points, as no new card will bring the new point total above 21 (if you have 11 points and get an Ace, it automatically counts as 1). With 12 or more points it is worth considering, as there is already a chance of losing the round. Fortunately, Blackjack simple strategy (basic strategy) allows you to simply remember all the optimal actions. We will discuss this strategy later.
  2. Stand - In this decision, the player keeps all the cards (and the amount of points he has collected). Once a player has stood, he is not allowed to take any other action.
  3. Split - this is only possible when a player is dealt two cards of the same rank (e.g. K and Q, K and K, 6 and 6, and so on, except for the court card and the tens). Excluding the cards doubles the bet, as the two cards are played separately. This means that when the cards are separated, additional cards can be played for each card. In such cases, the player has two chances to win against the croupier.
  4. Double - this action is only allowed when the player's point total does not exceed 11. In this case, another bet of the same value is placed and only one additional card is allowed. This is best used when the player has a 9, 10 or 11 and the dealer has a low card.

More action:

This is not a complete list of BlackJack rules (Blackjack rules). In some cases, two additional actions are allowed - surrender and buy insurance. It is usually not worthwhile to use these two actions, as both are almost always money-losing strategies. In the Strategy section you will see when, if these actions are allowed, it pays to use them. It is true that no player who plays strategically uses the hedge action.

Video - BlackJack card game rules

Most casinos, both live and online, have at least a few tables for Black Jack. Especially in large casinos, the rules of blackjack may vary slightly, but usually you will only see a difference between the minimum and maximum bet. In games with extremely high betting limits, the player may sometimes be given more favourable conditions, but these tables are usually reserved for high-rollers who can bet at least a few thousand per hand or more. Of course, such tables only exist in Las Vegas and Macau casinos.

Blackjack online

Due to the huge popularity of the game, it will be easy for players to find a place where they can play BlackJack online. Almost all online casinos will offer the game, but the service can vary considerably. Larger casinos (like 888Casino, etc.) will offer both an automated and a 'live' game involving the croupier and other players.

One of the bigger advantages of online casinos is the wide choice of tables. In a regular casino, there will usually be one or only a few Black Jack tables, which may have betting limits that are not suitable for the player. Online, there will always be BlackJack tables with rules and stakes to suit every player. Online casinos also often offer players the opportunity to take advantage of bonus schemes that are less often available in live games. It is always advisable to take as much value as possible from the bonuses on offer and to keep up to date with the casino's news in order to receive better offers.

blackjack rulesAutomated game options

Both automated and live games will be fair, as the larger casino companies are frequently checked by their RNG systems. Of course, many players prefer to play live BlackJack tables as the reliability is even higher. The croupier and live chat that is shown simulates Black Jack in a real casino quite well. Those who are not interested in live games will often enjoy the automated ones much more. The live game has one disadvantage - slower play. The croupier has to wait for all players to act and chat with the players. These games are also subject to occasional glitches and will often be much slower than automated games. Typically, live games will play half as many hands per hour as would be played on a normal casino table. For those who want to experience the fun of black jack quickly and conveniently, the automated variants are the most suitable. These games can be played even faster than regular casino house black jack, as they do not require a dealer.

Blackjack online. Where is the most reliable place to play?

Blackjack game and strategy

Knowing the rules of Blackjack allows you to formulate a strategy for the game. Unlike games such as roulette or slot machines, the probabilities of black jack are variable, so playing strategically can reduce the house edge very significantly.

One of the most important rules before starting to form any Black Jack game strategy is to check the croupier's rules. Many casinos use one of the following two:

  1. The croupier stands on a "soft" (with at least one ace) 17.
  2. The hailer takes on the "soft" 17.

Sometimes the game payouts may also vary. The most important difference is how much is paid out after 21 (or BlackJack). There are two different payout sizes - 3:2 and 6:5. The latter increases the house edge by a large margin and is therefore not recommended. This rule change, unlike the dealer's stand or the take on 17, cannot be used strategically in any way. It is extremely rare to find casinos that offer a black jack payout of 2:1. The chances of finding such a casino are extremely slim, as it gives a greater advantage to the player, but if you do find one, it would be best to play it.

Blackjack rules (Black jack rules)

Although it may seem strange, the player has a greater advantage when the croupier stops (rule 1). Players are more likely to win when the croupier's point total is lower than when the croupier's point total is higher than 21. The probability that the dealer will be burnt by crossing 21 is 29.1% for the first rule and 29.6% for the second. The probability changes by only 0.5%, but the croupier gets a chance to overtake players who have 17 or more points.

Of course, veteran players have formulated blackjack strategies for both types of rules, but it is always advisable to find tables that offer the most favourable set of blackjack rules when possible. Below are the tables commonly referred to as "Blackjack basic strategy". This is the strategy that is always in play, regardless of other factors in the game. With the perfect use of basic strategy and a traditional set of rules, the house edge can be reduced to 0.4%.

Explanation in table:

Blackjack rules (rules)Blackjack online

Explanation of abbreviations:

  1. H - hit (take)
  2. S - stand
  3. Dh - double if allowed, otherwise take
  4. Ds - double up if allowed, otherwise join
  5. P - to distinguish
  6. Ph - separate if doubling after separation is allowed, otherwise take
  7. Rh - surrender if allowed, otherwise take
  8. Rs - to surrender if allowed, otherwise to join
  9. Rp - surrender if permitted, otherwise separate

Additional Blackjack Rules:

Long-term blackjack players have a few additional rules for effective play:

  1. Never take out insurance.
  2. If separation is not possible, then the cards received must be treated as a "hard" point total (without an Ace).

Some players use additional strategies such as bet changes. Betting strategies do not in themselves change the probability of winning and therefore do not increase the odds of winning. These strategies can be used when the situation seems right to protect money or increase the potential winnings. Betting strategies do not in themselves change the probability of winning or losing in any way, so if the game is a long term loser, no betting strategy will change that.

Card counting is legal, but disliked by casinos

One of the less common strategies used in Black Jack is card counting. Card counting is legal, but disliked by casinos. If the casino sees a player using this strategy, he is usually kicked out without a chance to return. Often, in the case of a franchise, the player may be banned from all of its casino houses.

Card counting fascinates many potential blackjack players, mainly because of the illusion created in the movies that it is an easy way to make huge amounts of money. In reality, this strategy requires an enormous amount of work, risk, a large bankroll and the possibility of finding many different casinos close to where you live.

Card counting relies on a perfect understanding of simple strategy, so just to get started you need to memorise the tables provided. Players must then choose one of the card counting systems. The more complex systems bring up to 0.X% more potential EV, but in most cases are almost impossible to use perfectly. Many card counters use the Hi-Lo system:

  1. All cards up to 6 are +1.
  2. 7-9 is 0.
  3. T-A is -1.

Explanation in table:

Blackjack strategyMore complex systems introduce different values for the cards (e.g. Ace -2, some low cards +2, etc.). Again, this system requires perfect tracking of the game from the start and keeping the Hi-Lo point total in mind. In multi-deck games, the available point total must be continuously divided by the remaining decks to obtain the "true count". When the true count is more than 1, the player has an advantage. This advantage is very minimal unless a very high true count of 4-5 is achieved.

If card counting does not seem complicated yet, remember that the maximum EV per hand is ~2% using the Hi-Lo system. Players who practise this strategy usually choose tables that can play 100 hands or more per hour. During all this time necessary not make a single calculation or simple strategy error. One mistake usually wipes out an entire hour's work due to the potential for a minus at that point.

In addition to the extremely low EV available, card counting requires managing the bankroll. With 200 bets, the ROR (Risk of Ruin) is 40 percent when playing safe betting methods, which means reducing the potential profit per hour.

The general conditions for card counting are thus:

  1. Learn two different strategies and follow them for 8 hours of play without making a single mistake.
  2. Have a large number of accessible, different casino houses that use a maximum of 8 decks and do not use a shuffle machine.
  3. Following rule 2, the decks should be re-mixed infrequently with no more than 1 deck remaining.
  4. Have sufficient bankroll to play the game and additional income if it is burnt.
  5. Find Black Jack tables with the right rules that can play around 100 hands per hour.
  6. Being unsuccessful long enough to make a profit.
  7. Withstand enormous variation, as a player rarely has more than fifty-odd percent winning hands.

Many of the films that show card counting also show players borrowing money from investors and playing in teams. While there are card counters in the world who work alone, it is usually a very impractical activity for people who do not live in Las Vegas, Macau or similar places.

Some players think that nowadays it is not necessary to live in places like Las Vegas or Macau because Blackjack is freely available online. Unfortunately, several factors tend to put an end to such dreams quickly. Firstly, the automated games all use shuffling machines, so counting cards there is simply not possible. In live games there are other problems. First of all, they have a very high frequency of deck shuffling, so the potential EV and variation is very high. Another problem is the speed of the game. In a regular casino, the games are much faster, as the croupier does not have to interact with the online chat, there is no video lag, and it is often possible to find a table that will allow you to play alone. Typically, in online casinos, if live blackjack tables are played, then the speed of play is reduced by about half. These factors make it almost impossible to play blackjack online and count cards. More Blackjack tips click here.

Card game 21 or eye

In Lithuania, Black Jack has long been known by other names such as 21 or akis, but is now often referred to as "Black Jack". The name "Akis" comes from the scoring systems, as the numbers on the cards used to be more commonly referred to as "eyes" (e.g. 5 - five eyes). The card game akis is very popular in Lithuania, as it is worldwide. The conditions offered by regular casinos for this game are not bad, as almost all places offer the most favourable black jack rules for the player. Of course, it is not uncommon to find only one or two tables for blackjack in Lithuania's regular casinos, which is why many players find it most rewarding to choose online casinos. When choosing these and Black Jack tables, you should always pay attention to the right or wrong rules of the game, which we have outlined a little above. The best places to play blackjack with the best rules can be found at Poker School in the list of recommended casino houses.

  1. Blackjack online. Where is the most reliable place to play?

History of Black Jack

The roots of history go back to very distant times, so, as with roulette, no one knows the true origin. However, there are some clues and different versions. The fact is that the rules of the original version of blackjack have changed considerably. Variants of the origin may be French Vingt-et-un (literally twenty-one), Italian Sette e Mezzo (seven and a half) or another French game Quinze (fifteen).

Due to various prohibitions in Europe, Black Jack first became popular in America. In the early 20th century, Twenty-One became very popular in Nevada, and some casinos diversified the game's popularity by offering a 10:1 payout if a player scores 21 points with Ace of Spades and a black jack. This eventually led to the name Black Jack, or as we prefer to call it, BlackJack. With the legalisation of casinos and the rise of gambling, the rules were also standardised and more or less the same in most casinos, even outside the USA.

Card counting has been around since the mid-20th century

Around 1950, the first card counters appeared to increase their winnings and reduce or eliminate the house edge. One of the most famous card counters was Jess Marcum, who was shut out of a large number of casinos. More well-known players followed, and books appeared to help people learn the game and card counting. Perhaps the best-known book, "Beat the Dealer", was published in 2001. Beat the Dealer) appeared in 1962. It is still available today.

The calculation model consisted of two numbers - 16 and 36. That's the number of cards worth ten points and the number of cards worth all the rest. When the game started, the author of the book, Edward Thorpe, counted how many tens and cards were left. He divided the number of "other" cards left by the number of tens to see if he should bet more. This calculation was later called the Thorpe Ratio. Thorp Ratio). Today, this method is hardly possible, as the game is no longer played with a single deck of cards, but with several decks. For example, 8 decks are often used, so the numbers would no longer be 16 and 36 but 128 and 288. This is already quite complicated to calculate.

Of course, casinos have adopted various techniques to try to catch card counters and eliminate them from the game. Often, the doors were closed to such players in other casinos, so it was not a pleasant situation to get caught. Some would improve by trying not to get stuck in, while the other side would try to hunt down the tricksters.