Erste Woche – 7 Finaltische!

Also, here are the results of the first week's final tables: 2e deepstack 1st place-200e, 2e deepstack 7th place-17e, 2e deepstack 8th place-20e, 3r 5th place -326e, 5e PSKO 1st place-293e, 5e KO 2nd and 3rd places -80e and 50e, and monster stack not FT, because 6 max 7th place 70e. And a note, for those starting with a very small bankroll, I would advise playing in the first half of the day, as the level of micro stakes players does not differ in the evening and during the day, but due to the smaller number of players, you will have smaller swings, which is definitely an advantage when you have a small bankroll.