The most common mistakes - how to learn poker

Among the many mistakes that players make, these are the most noticeable. Eliminate them and you'll find poker surprisingly easier.

Main errors

  • Rapid realisation of skills. Skills are only proven when they are demonstrated by playing a large number of tournaments, huge pots or anything else that is difficult for you. If that hasn't happened, keep working. It means you haven't learned it yet.
  • A little positivity is missing. A big improvement is the result of a thousand small improvements. You stop working when you don't see progress. Often it is there, you just need to look for it a little smaller.
  • Pressure to improve faster. A car stuck in the mud sinks in much faster if you keep the accelerator down. It is better to be precise than fast.
  • High expectations. Instead of expecting something, figure out how to get it.
  • Blaming emotions for mistakes. Emotions only expose your mistakes in poker. They do not cause them. Of course you have to "get along" with your emotions, but that is no excuse.
  • Mixing wins and revenues. Put money in your pocket too early and poker is very likely to take it back. Avoid this struggle of deciding when you have actually made a profit and it wasn't just a temporary success.
  • Bluffing against yourself. There are hundreds of ways to lie to yourself. Make poker easy for you and bluff while playing against others.
  • Mistakes correct themselves. Knowing what not to do does not mean you know what to do. Decide what is right and concentrate on that. Set the right poker goals.

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